
Hi, I'm Julia.

Here's my “official” biography:

Julia Huni writes hopeful science fiction full of heart and humor. She studied Computer Science and National Security, both of which she ignores completely when making up stories involving computers and politics. While serving in the US Air Force, she worked on a NASA program and thus considers herself a rocket scientist.

Julia’s published books include the Colonial Explorer Corps series, Recycled World, the Space Janitor books (beginning with The Vacuum of Space,) and the Krimson Empire series.

She has a spouse, three children, and a house that could really use a few cleaning robots.

Many years ago, my mom took the family on a cruise to Alaska. My siblings and I hadn’t spent much time together in recent years, since both my sister and I were serving in the Air Force. It was a time to reconnect.

My husband and I also had a fifteen-month old son. Which meant about mid-way through the week-long cruise, we had to find a laundry-mat. If you’ve had kids, you know what I’m talking about. One night in Ketchikan, we were walking back to the ship after finishing an exciting day of laundry. I pushed my son in his stroller and chatted with my brother while my husband carried the clean clothes.

My brother told me about an author event he’d attended. This was a big-name fantasy writer, but I can never remember if it was Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind. I should probably ask him someday—my brother, that is—I’ve never met Mr. Goodkind, and I’m pretty sure Mr. Jordan is no longer available for casual conversation. Anyway, the author talked about how he began writing. One morning while having coffee with his wife, he said something along the lines of, “You know that story that’s always running in the back of your mind?” And his wife said, “Normal people don’t have that story running through their heads. Maybe you should write it down.”

I stopped in my tracks. “Normal people don’t have that story? Maybe I should write mine!” It took me ten years after that conversation before I started writing it down. (Remember the fifteen-month-old baby? Plus, two more.) In 2007, my husband retired from the Air Force after 22 years on active duty. We didn't know where we wanted to land, but we knew it wasn't Washington, DC, which was where we lived at the time. So we bought a motorhome and drove 8000 miles over three months until we landed in Sisters, Oregon. That trip gave me plenty of time in the passenger seat with a laptop.

It was another nine before I published—something else. I finally re-wrote that original story the next summer, and the “first” book, Recycled World, launched Sept 1, 2019. I wish I’d done it sooner.

Moral of the story: if there’s one in your head, start writing it down, now.

As of early 2024, I've got 22 science fiction books out and my not-so-secret alter ego, Lia Huni has 5 romantic comedies. I wish I'd started earlier–there are so many stories to tell!

I've been an IT guy, a choir director, an executive assistant, a stay-at-home mom, a college instructor, and that lady at the information booth in a tourist town. But writer is the best job ever because I get to make stuff up. Stuff I wish were true, stuff I'm glad isn't true. But mostly stuff that shows the world (the Huniverse!) can be a better place.

At Sisters Festival of Books
Me and Mac Hay at the Sisters Festival of Books, 2019
Me climbing under barbed wire

Just for grins, here's a picture of me in my Air Force days. I was so tough, I smiled as I climbed under the barbed wire. Actually, I was probably gasping for air, but trying to keep the sand out of my mouth.