
Published by Julia Huni on

Update: I will not be selling my audiobooks via Audible at this time. Their business practices have always been a bit tight–they only pay 25% of royalties to the rights-holder (that's me) while other services pay 40%. But audiobook rights-holders have recently discovered Audible has been actively encouraging listeners to return their audiobooks–even if they listened to and enjoyed the whole thing–to get another book at no cost. The problem is, Audible then deletes that sale from the rights-holder. In other words–they don't pay the authors, producers, and narrators of the book that was returned. Customers can trade in books for up to a YEAR, no questions asked. Some authors have found themselves OWING Audible money for books that were purchased months before and then returned. For more information on this, check out this article.

I created a Kickstarter back in October, to help fund the production of the Space Janitor audiobooks. We brought in enough pledges to reach the first stretch goal, which means both The Vacuum of Space and The Dust of Kaku will be done in audio.

Now, audio is expensive, and the $2019 we raised isn't enough to cover the costs of all the rewards plus both books, but it will get me a good way there. The rest I'm covering, because I think these books will be amazing in audio. No, I know they're amazing–I've listened to the first one. Fingers crossed the audiobook listeners will agree.

My narrator, Kaitlin Bellamy, has done a superb job, and Vacuum is now working its way through the retailer systems to come to an audiobook seller near you. Or at least an internet page you can reach. It's scheduled to go live on Dec 26–everywhere but Audible.

The Kickstarter backers who opted for the audiobook reward tier will see their copy as soon as BookFunnel can get it out there. I'll send the codes to my backers the moment I have them.

I also have contracted with Kaitlin to start working on book two, The Dust of Kaku. The manuscript is going through a quick proofing cycle, just to clean up any lingering typos, and then it will go to Kaitlyn in January. Now that she has the main voices nailed down, the creation process will be fast.

Here's the first few minutes. Take a listen and tell me what you think!


Mr Geoffrey Stobbart · December 19, 2020 at 11:57 am

Just started reading and would love to hear audiobook. How do I contribute to kickstarter, if it isn’t too late!

    admin · December 19, 2020 at 4:09 pm

    This was my first Kickstarter. I know there’s a way to set up a store front for later joiners, but it’s beyond my bandwidth at this point. However, I plan to set up an Authors Direct store as soon as I can, which will allow me to sell the audio directly from my website to buyers in the US, Uk, EU, Canada and Australia. I’ll see if I can figure out something for other parts of the world, too.

    I’ll post here and social media (and on my Kickstarter page) when I get that set up. Thanks for asking!

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