The Dark Quasar rises again

Before Sun Spot Remover, I published the first book in which Vanti is the star: Dark Quasar Rising. In that book, Vanti travels with Arun, Elodie, and Leo–and Apawllo the cat, of course–to Gargarin. Well, now the team is back at it–this time they’re headed for Lewei. I’m about 60% Read more…

four books of the Krimson Empire series on a backdrop of a space station interior.

The Krimson Empire approaches!

The Federation made three mistakes: She could get over the first two.  With her friend Tony, a man of surprising connections and mysterious family, Quinn rescues herself and the other “inconvenient” spouses left to die on the abandoned asteroid outpost. When Quinn launches her campaign to retrieve her children, the Read more…

Krimson Empire Kickstarter!

The campaign has come to an end!! Thanks to everyone who backed and shared the project! I’m using a Kickstarter campaign to launch my rebranded Krimson Empire books. After the campaign, the books will be available wide–that is on all of the major ebook retailers. But the Kickstarter versions will Read more…

3d box containing three books with planet and space ship on the front

Book Sales

If you live outside the US or UK, I’m sure it’s frustrating to see an author advertising a 99 cent sale with the caveat “US and UK only.” Believe me, as an author, I find this frustrating as well. The reason is based in Amazon’s strange royalties scheme. To start Read more…

Spring Update

I haven’t posted to this page in a very long time! I guess the pandemic has gotten to us all. But I thought I’d take a few minutes to update you on, well, everything. My last post was in August! I didn’t publish as many books last year as I Read more…

ten sci fi book covers from story bundle


I am beyond excited to announce that not one, but two of my books are part of a StoryBundle with some heavy hitters of the science fiction world! StoryBundle is a curated group of books that are offered together—and the readers decide how much to pay. You can get the Read more…

comic of two astronauts kissing

Serial reading

If you’re as old as I am, you might remember reading serial in the newspaper. A new bit would come out each week, leaving you on the edge of your seat and panting for the next installment. If you’re older than me, you might even remember serials at the movie Read more…