two anthologies going to the moon

First Contract

Part the final Here’s the ending of my short story. If you missed part three, click here. Part two. The beginning When I wake a few hours later, I take a quick shower and put my creased clothes back on. Next time I get abducted by aliens, I need to Read more…

two anthologies going to the moon

First Contract

Part the third If you missed the second part of the story, click here. The beginning is here. As they discuss pop culture, we careen down a hill into a deep canyon. The car skids on the gravel road, twisting through the turns, throwing me against my seatbelt. I grip Read more…

two anthologies going to the moon

First Contract

Part the second Here’s part two of the story that’s going to the moon. If you missed part, one, click here. Six hours later, we land in Denver. I’m not sure why Rogers convinced Eddie to send me. But I still have my mace. And a credit card. A single Read more…

First Contract

Last week, I discovered, two of my short stories are “stowaways” on the Writers on the Moon project. My stories are going in two different anthologies. Hellcats, The Anthology, is still in Kindle Unlimted, so I can’t share Sashelle’s Quest. But First Contract was in book 6 of the Beyond the Stars anthology. There are some amazing stories Read more…

The Rings of Grissom

The Rings of Grissom went live on Jan 31, 2021! If you’ve been waiting for more Triana Moore, she’s back. Grab the book here. Triana Moore lost her job as a maintenance technician when her boss discovered her true identity. But decluttering the galaxy isn’t just for janitors. When she Read more…

astronomy atmosphere earth exploration

Cover Reveal

I’m very excited to share with you the cover for my newest novel, The Earth Concurrence. I worked with Jennifer Wilson from JL Wilson Designs. She did a fantastic job of capturing my main character and the background is beautiful. I can’t wait to do the next one! If only Read more…

yawning gray cat


At the beginning of the month, my friend, writer and editor extraordinaire Kate Pickford (she writes under pen names so you won’t find much on Amazon) posted on her Facebook page that her brother’s 79-year-old mother-in-law was being kicked out of her home by an unscrupulous cousin who owns 2/3 Read more…

Krimson Flare

I’ve finished writing Krimson Flare, the fourth book and finale of the Krimson Empire series. It’s with Craig now, and he’ll read it, run it through our editor and our beta readers then send it back to me. I’ll fix whatever needs to be fixed, and send it back to Read more…