Covers and audio: an update

Published by admin on

Two things today… first off, I have a cover to reveal! The newest Former Space Janitor book is off to beta readers. Soon, I’ll be sending it to the ARC team, and then it will be live! I put it up for pre-order this morning… and because I always do these things backwards, here’s the cover reveal!

That cover is by the amazing Lesia T at GermanCreative. She’s done all of my Space Janitor covers and is just amazing.

The second piece of news is I think I’ve gotten the Space Janitor audio back online almost everywhere. It might take a little longer to get to Hoopla (they have some weirdly long lead times) and possibly Chirp, but it should be available everywhere else! Let me know if you can’t find it. And Rachel is working on Planetary Spin Cycle this month! I hope to have it out in May.

Categories: Writing