Krimson Flare

Published by admin on

I've finished writing Krimson Flare, the fourth book and finale of the Krimson Empire series. It's with Craig now, and he'll read it, run it through our editor and our beta readers then send it back to me. I'll fix whatever needs to be fixed, and send it back to him for publishing.

In the meantime, Ryan Schwarz is hard at work on our last book cover. I'll share it with you as soon as I get it!

All your favorite characters will be back: Quinn and Tony, of course. Liz, Maerk, Dareen and End. Francine, Leo and Dusica. Plus Marielle, Aleksei, and even Tiffany will make a cameo.

Some new friends will show up as well. And how can we forget Sashelle? She'll be there in all her feline glory.

We're hoping it will publish a bit early–perhaps before the end of July. I'll let you know as soon as I do!

Categories: Writing