Krimson Run

Published by Julia Huni on

Krimson Empire Book 1 launched on March 23. Here's a sneak peek at the beginning of The Trophany, the story that inspired the series.

The speakers crackled, and a smooth, tenor voice spoke. “Attention, civilians! The Krimson Empire is not attacking. There’s no reason for panic. Federation and Empire diplomats have decided the presence of non-combatants in the forward area is hindering negotiations. Therefore, you are being relocated to Federation Base Zauras for now.”

Quinn Templeton leaned closer to her friend Tony Bergen and muttered, “Right. And my great-grandmother teaches marksmanship classes at her old-folks home.”

Bergen shrugged. “My grandmother does teach marksmanship,” he said, a hint of a laugh running under his words. “But she’s an instructor at the special forces academy.”

“At this time, groups one through twenty, proceed to Alpha Shuttle. Follow the blinking lights.” Green lights streaked across the shuttle bay floor, creating a meter-wide path to the spacecraft near the huge hangar doors.

Quinn frowned and turned to check on her kids. Ellianne stood silent beside her, one hand gripping a pink duffel, the other clutching the corner of Quinn’s jacket. Lucas slouched a few meters away with another preteen, both struggling to maintain cool attitudes. Lucas glanced around, made eye contact with Quinn, and quickly turned away, pretending he hadn’t just looked for his mother.

The shuttles loaded quickly. Quinn got Ellianne and Lucas strapped in and their bags stowed. Settling back into the uncomfortable seat, she reached to pull the straps across her body.

“Templeton, Quinn!” a voice barked over the din. “Piruytha, Steve! Front and center.”

Quinn jumped, her body responding to the command before her mind caught up. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back,” she told the kids. Pushing through the sea of people, she worked her way down the aisle to the front door of the shuttle, followed by Piruytha.

“This way.” An enlisted man in the familiar gray and black camo uniform jerked his head and started across the shuttle bay, not waiting to see if they followed.

“What’s going on?” Quinn asked, but both men ignored her. With a glance back at the shuttle, she trotted after them. In the ready room, she joined a dozen other grumbling passengers.

A tall man stepped to the front of the room and cleared his throat, stilling the muttered conversations. “I am Master Sergeant Kress.” The man twitched his sleeve, as if to draw their attention to his rank. “We need to re-balance the load on one of our shuttles. We’re moving passengers from that shuttle to the others, and we’re going to make a second run to pick up the last of the civilians. You will wait here until the Alpha Shuttle returns from the transport.”

“My kids are on that shuttle!” Quinn screamed, pushing back toward the door.

Krimson Run, and the rest of the Krimson Empire series is available via my Kickstarter campaign.