New Book, New Series

Published by Julia Huni on

Finally! I wrote this book in the spring, but between the Kickstarter and all of the other things life has thrown my way, it's taken a while to get it finished. But the ARCs went out on September 15, and it goes into Kindle Unlimited on October 8th!

What's it about? Here's the blurb:

In the heart of enemy territory, Vanti must save the day without blowing her cover… or her cool.

Security for a reality star cruising on a billionaire's space yacht should be excellent cover for secret agent Linsay “Vanti” Fioravanti. Her boss, the famous Elodie-Oh, doesn't care where they go, as long as it's viral.

Then Arun, the ship's owner and pilot, grabs an opportunity to do business on Gagarin–a planet emerging into capitalism with enthusiasm. Getting in on the new market is a huge risk, but could offer enormous rewards. And visiting Gagarin gives Vanti the chance to recruit new informants.

But when a shipmate is kidnapped, Vanti and Arun must come to the rescue. Can they do it without exposing Vanti's secret identity? And if not, who will feed the cat?