New Colonial Explorer Corps!

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I'm about 90% finished with the new Colonial Explorer Corps book, The Darenti Paradox. In this story, Siti is a few years older, and hopefully wiser. Together with her friend Joss and frenemy Derek Lee, and of course, her sair-glider Liam, Siti returns to the planet that made her father “The Hero.”

Here, for the first time, is the new cover by Jennifer Wilson of JL Wilson Designs.

Book Cover of The Darenti Paradox. A young woman crouches on an alien planet, space ship in the background, holographic device in her hand. She wears a Colonial Explorer Corps uniform.

Isn't it fantastic?

Here's a little about the story:

Over a hundred years ago, Nate Kassis encountered the first sapient aliens in the galaxy. Since then, the Darenti have been quarantined on their planet, until the Colonial Commonwealth decides they're ready for the galaxy. Or that the galaxy is ready for them.

When Siti and her team arrive, talks are under way and the decision is imminent. But a strange group of Darenti kidnap Siti and beg for her help.

Will she escape and return to her base? Will she help the Darenti in their mystical mission? Or will something completely unexpected happen?

(I'm betting on number three.)