Reading Order

If you want to read all of my books “in order,” generally publication date is a good rule of thumb. But if you want to read in chronological order of the Huniverse timeline, there are a few oddballs that sneak in. Here's a list:

Recycled World
Abandoned World * #
Reduced World

The Darenti Incongruity *
Krimson Flicker
Orbital Operations ^

Krimson Run
Krimson Spark
Krimson Surge
Krimson Flare

Christmas on Kaku * ^
A Mess of Gravity *
The Vacuum of Space
The Dust of Kaku
The Trouble with Tinsel ^
Glitter in the Stars
Sweeping S'Ride
The Rings of Grissom
Bot Duct Skeletons *
Planetary Spin Cycle

Christmas Cookie Crumbles *
Luna City, Limited (The Phoenix and Katie Li)
Waxing the Moon of Lewei
Changing the Speed of Light Bulbs

Dark Quasar Rising
Sun Spot Remover
Dark Quasar Ignites

The Earth Concurrence
The Grissom Contention
The Saha Declination
The Darenti Paradox

A Sprinkle of Krimson +

* epub available free to newsletter subscribers
# Print version available at retailers
^ Also available in print in Galactic Junk Drawer
+ Kickstarter campaign stretch goal/coming to newsletter subscribers soon